Do you remember the old days of coming home from a night out? Your clothes and hair smelt of smoke, and if you were like me, you had no voice. Now, the anti-smoking laws have really cleaned up the air quality of licenced premises. Having said that, if you live above, below or next to […]
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The Australian Taxation Office has issued a draft taxation ruling (TR 2015/D1) that addresses a range of tax issues that affect a body corporate constituted under strata title legislation and the owners of a lot that would be held under that legislation. The ruling confirms that a strata title body is treated as a company […]
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Bushfires, earthquakes and floods have inflicted millions of dollars worth of damage to buildings. Now strata scheme owners are realising the vital importance of an accurate, up to date Insurance Replacement Valuation. The recent fluctuation in the market for building materials and skilled tradespeople has resulted in many buildings currently being underinsured. Being underinsured can […]
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There’s a reason that even the most protected strata buildings still choose to set up comprehensive building insurance policies. Owners Corporations recognize that accidents and malicious acts can and do happen, whether it be fire, earthquake, lightning strikes, arson, vandalism, theft or burst water pipes. An Owners Corporation caught flat-footed with inappropriate strata building insurance […]
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Ask a random Sydney resident where he or she lives, and the most likely answer you hear is an apartment block. Currently, 75% of residences within the City of Sydney live in apartments, which is more than 5 times the national average. This has prompted the City of Sydney Council to start offering classes to […]
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